Job Openings

The Serota Group is a retained executive search firm conducting searches for senior level positions in multi industries for domestic and international companies.  If you are going to apply for an open job position, just apply for one at a time.  This will ensure that the recruiter that is managing the search can focus on your resume as it relates to the specific search you applied for.  We look for FIT in your background.  If the recruiter believes that you match up, someone will contact you for an interview. A word of advice, please make sure that you thoroughly read the specifications before applying.  We want you to have every opportunity to be called.

If you repeatedly apply for unqualified job openings, your resume will be discarded as “do not call” in our database system.  We prefer this does not happen to you.  It is far better to send your resume in as unsolicited.

Our industry specific researchers do review unsolicited resumes periodically.  These resumes should be emailed to with an attachment in Microsoft Word. Please indicate your industry of expertise. We look forward to working with you.